Along the Song Wine Route 1
3 Days
Meeting point
Un borgo medievale situato su una collina, circondato da verde. I tetti in mattoni e il palazzo creano un'atmosfera caratteristica.
Travel agency MARFIL VIAGGI

La Marfil Viaggi opera a Spello dal 1994 , e la nostra preparazione nel settore è ultra ventennale. Organizziamo vacanze con una precisa filosofia: offrire viaggi di qualità in piena sintonia con i desideri personali.

Umbria is a region where the food, wine, art,culture and architeture are the equal of any in Italy. Norcia with is truffles, cheeses and hams , for example is a gastronomic centre par excellence Orvieto's Duomo is one of the country finest cathedrals; Assisi majestic Basilica di San Francesco contains frescos by Giotto.Umbria stunning landescapes, delicious food, fine wines, art,history,nature,strategic position to visit Italy, friendly and welcoming atmosphere.Several itineraries are available to discover our beautiful green region.We will guide you through our charming medieval towns walking alone stone alleys an old buildings of Perugia, Todi, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Montefaco, Trevi, Bevagna, Gubbio.All our itineraries are studied to combine art, history and delicious food and wine.You will exsperience an unfortegabble journey through the food culture and tradition of our beautiful region. Meet the farmers and discover the secrets of our local products.Umbria offer many opportunities to performer outdoor sports and enjoy nature.Discover the heart, soul and spirit of Umbria through our Sants and holy places.Civil wedding in Umbria are celebrated in palaces and castels, Catholic Churches are disponible for Catholic ceremony


Arrival in the morning, check in at the hotel/agritourism. Visit to the town of Torgiano, certified as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Torgiano of the Wine Museum, considered one of the most complete in the world, and the adjacent Olive and Oil Museum. Followed by a tasting at the Oil Mill In the afternoon, visit to the Ceramics Museum in Deruta Return to the hotel and overnight stay. 2 Day In the morning, visit to the town of Todi . At the end tasting in a wine cellar . In the afternoon life at the Volcanological Museum of San Venanzo . To follow tasting in an oil mill Return to the structure and overnight stay. 3 Day In the morning visit to the Palazzo del Podestà in Bettona . At the end tasting in a wine cellar. In the afternoon visit to the town of Marsciano and the Museo Del Laterizio,dedicated to the centuries-old and traditional production of bricks and terracotta . After the visit, tasting in a wine cellar. End of services or possibility to stay an extra night

3 Days

Arrivo in mattinata, sistemazione in hotel/agriturismo. Visita della cittadina di Torgiano, certificata come uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia. Torgiano del Museo del Vino, ritenuto uno tra i più completi al mondo, e l'attiguo Museo dell’Olivo e dell’Olio. A seguito degustazione al Frantoio Nel pomeriggio visita del Museo della Ceramica di Deruta Rientro in struttura e pernottamento. 2 Giorno In mattinata visita della cittadina di Todi . Al termine degustazione in cantina . Nel pomeriggio vita al Museo Vulcanologico di San Venanzo . A seguire degustazione in oleificio Rientro in struttura e pernottamento. 3 Giorno In mattinata Visita del Palazzo del Podestà di Bettona. Al termine degustazione in cantina. Nel pomeriggio visita della cittadina di Marsciano e del Museo Del Laterizio,dedicato alla produzione plurisecolare e tradizionale del laterizio e delle terrecotte . Dopo la visita degustazione di una una cantina. Fine dei servizi o possibilità si pernottare un notte in più

Torgiano - Deruta

Arrival in the morning, check in at the hotel/agritourism. Visit to the town of Torgiano, certified as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Torgiano of the Wine Museum, considered one of the most complete in the world, and the adjacent Olive and Oil Museum, followed by a tasting at the Oil Mill In the afternoon, visit to the Deruta Ceramics Museum Return to the hotel and overnight stay

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Todi - San Venanzo

2 Giorno In mattinata visita della cittadina di Todi . Al termine degustazione in cantina . Nel pomeriggio vita al Museo Vulcanologico di San Venanzo . A seguire degustazione in oleificio Rientro in struttura e pernottamento.

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Bettona - Marsciano

In the morning, visit to the Palazzo del Podestà of Bettona. At the end, tasting in a wine cellar. In the afternoon visit to the town of Marsciano and the Museo Del Laterizio,dedicated to the centuries-old and traditional production of bricks and terracotta. After the visit, tasting in a wine cellar. End of services or possibility to stay an extra night

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Via della Centrale Umbra, 19 (06038) Spello PG