Get to know the path of a grain of wheat
Granarium is also an educational farm...
Fattoria didattica Granarium
dove il grano diventa pane

In a farm outbuilding, entirely built in the style of the late 19th and early 20th century, 'GRANARIUM: where wheat becomes bread' was born. That's right: grains of wheat that become bread. In this farm building, therefore, there is the entire cereal production chain: the wheat produced on the farm is stored in external fibreglass silos for foodstuffs where the only method of preservation is handling and aeration; it then goes inside where it is milled with natural stone millstones, the flour is extracted and then breaded with sourdough. The bread is then baked in the wood-fired oven and finally sold in the small, charming shop. Our aim is to offer the final consumer a product of the highest quality, unique for the absolute transparency of all its stages in the supply chain. It is the first project in Umbria where a small-scale farmer with his own wheat produces and sells his own bread. We look forward to seeing you there, every day, including Sundays, to savour all the fragrance and flavour of our grandparents' homemade bread.GRANARIUM is also an educational farm: guided tours can be booked in advance, where you can see every stage of the production process that leads to the final product: not only bread, but also ancient 'spianate' with pieces of tomato, rosemary and onion; traditional seasonal sweets and many other delicacies... We will welcome you warmly into the shop with the warmth of a family, we will take you, as if by magic, back in time and when you leave GRANARIUM you will not leave with a simple loaf of bread... but you will have evoked within you a combination of scents, flavours and memories that you thought no longer existed.


Here one can follow the journey of a grain of wheat: from storage, to milling, and then to the flour that is kneaded into bread.

Contract terms

You can visit Granarium on Wednesdays and Sundays, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., by calling 329 18 82 651.

What is included

Good bread, km 0

The term 'zero kilometre', evoked on so many occasions and often inflated in use, is an authentic reality with us. Granarium: where wheat becomes bread, brings together, in a single building, the entire supply chain from wheat to bread.

The end consumer has the opportunity to buy high quality products and can see the entire transformation process. Our aim is to rediscover the flavours, traditions of the rural world of the past, bringing them back to our customers' tables.The best compliment we received was: "this bread tastes like wheat!"

Via Madonna della Pia n. 12/A (06031) Bevagna PG