Titolo: The sacred hovel of San Francesco - Majolica - Landrini Palace - Cannara

The sacred hovel of San Francesco - Majolica - Landrini Palace - Cannara

According to the “Fioretti” and the “Cantico di frate sole”, the Saint used to go between “Cannajo e Bevagno" and in these places numerous testimonies of his passage are preserved, one of these is inside Majolica - Landrini Palace, in Piazza IV Novembre, where the hovel, in which St. Francesco lived during his visits to Cannara, can be admired.

Apparently here was born The first Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (O.F.S.) founded by St. Francesco for all those men and women, married or unmarried, who lived outside the convents or monasteries, but still wanted to live their own Christian life following the example of St. Francesco; for them, then, the Saint of Assisi wrote a rule of life known as the "Third Order", approved afterwards by the Pope.

1226 - 1926

“La favilla accesa a Cannara dal verbo di S. Francesco d’Assisi non mai sopita nei secoli divampò in gran fiamma nel settimo centenario del poverello quando in questa casa fu ricostrutto il tugurio in cui la tradizione addita il primo germe del terz’ordine e fu murata un’edicola in Pian d’Arca dove parlando e benedicendo alle sirocchie uccelli il santo poeta preludiò al sublime Cantico delle Creature”.


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